Maine’s Hiking Challenge: Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Visit Maine for IZEA. All opinions are 100% mine.
Peregrine Ridge Trail View Maine Hiking Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit

Nowadays we thrive on taking challenges and getting rewarded for our accomplishments.  Isn’t that why we get hooked on smartphone games that reward us with coins and gems and stars?  There are a number of hiking challenges popping up around the world for climbing certain peaks within a set amount of time.  Maine’s Moosehead Lake has something similar with its Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit.  Maine’s hiking challenge is to peak six mountains in the region and get a certificate and bragging rights.  Wisely, you aren’t required to peak all six within a certain time period, giving travelers to Maine a reason to come back.

Borestone Mountain Summit Trail Tree Root Steps Maine Hiking Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit

Maine’s hiking options are endless, ranging from easy to difficult, mountain to coastline, and the residents of Maine are eager to suggest their favorite hiking trails.  I am a sucker for a challenge, and hiking is one of my favorite outdoor pastimes, so I was fired up to head to Maine, during peak fall foliage no less, and see how many of the Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit peaks I could conquer on a long weekend getaway to Maine’s Moosehead Lake region for outdoor adventure.

Mount Kineo View Maine Hiking Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit

I knew peaking all six mountains with three days in Moosehead Lake would not be possible as we were also planning on experiencing some of the other things to do in Moosehead Lake, like taking a moose safari, but the minimum was two peaks, and I was hoping for three.  However, with Maine’s amazing fall colors also comes the possibility of rain and wind, and both were in the forecast for two of our three days.  Just in case, I asked everyone we came across which of the six mountains they preferred, and it seemed like Mount Kineo, Borestone Mountain, and Big Moose Mountain were the favorites.

Our first day in Moosehead Lake included pouring rain, so hiking up to a mountain peak was out of the question, but the morning of day two promised clear skies, at least for a few hours, enough time to start our Maine hiking challenge.

Mount Kineo

Mount Kineo Maine Hiking Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit

Mount Kineo is the most northwestern of the six mountains that make up the Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit.  Just getting to the mountain is an adventure.  The easiest way to get to Mount Kineo is to drive to Rockwood, on the west bank, and then catch the Kineo Shuttle for a 10-minute boat trip across Moosehead Lake.   However, the Kineo Shuttle only runs Memorial Day weekend through Columbus Day weekend.  Otherwise, it is a much longer drive along the east side of the lake and includes a long stretch of unpaved road.

Mount Kineo Indian Trail Maine Hiking Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit

This was to be our first mountain peak, but it became my first mountain peak when the siren call of Mount Kineo Golf Course became too much for Rome to resist.

Mount Kineo Indian Trial View Maine Hiking Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit

The hike to the peak is 3.8 miles roundtrip, but there are a number of trails on the little peninsula that can be mixed and matched.  The Indian Trail and Bridle Trail both lead up to the peak, but there is also the Carriage Trail that follows the circumference of the mountain base along the water’s edge.

Mount Kineo View of Mount Kineo Golf Course Maine Hiking Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit

The Bridle Trail is the easiest, and somewhat longer, of the two trails that lead to Mount Kineo’s peak.  However, the more challenging Indian Trail, with its steep inclines and rocky scrambles, provides the intoxicating views as it follows the edge of the 763-foot sheer ledge of the mountain which drops straight down to the golf course below.

Mount Kineo Summit View Maine Hiking Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit

The peak itself doesn’t have much of a view because of all the trees, but climbing up the tall, metal fire tower opens up a 360-degree view of Moosehead Lake and, in the fall, endless stretches of blazing orange and red trees.  

Mount Kineo Summit Fire Tower Maine Hiking Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit

If you’re afraid of heights, the fire tower can be rather nerve-wracking, and not looking down is pretty much impossible because the stairs are metal grates, but the solid wood platform at the top and the views will make all fears disappear. 

Mount Kineo Summit Trail Maine Hiking Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit

Since I’d taken the Indian Trail up, I took the easier Bridle Trail down in order to avoid the steep rocky descent which was now also dampened by the arrival of rain.  The Bridle Trail is completely covered by a canopy of foliage.

Borestone Mountain

Borestone Mountain Maine Hiking Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit

My second hiking challenge of the Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit, and Rome’s first, would need to wait until the next day, which luckily had a weather forecast of clear skies all day.  The plan was to do two hikes in one day, so we started early and headed south of Moosehead Lake to Borestone Mountain.

Borestone Mountain Base Trail Maine Hiking Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit

Borestone Mountain is a 3.5-mile roundtrip hike.  The first half of the hike is along the Base Trail that travels up through the forest to a pond and the Borestone Mountain Audubon Sanctuary visitor center. 

Borestone Mountain Summit Trail Maine Hiking Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit

From there is another hike, mostly of stone and tree root stairs, up the Summit Trail. 

Borestone Mountain Summit Maine Hiking Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit

The top of the trail is a false peak, as you must continue farther along the trail to the true peak, a large rock mass that requires quite a bit of scrambling with the help of some metal footholds and railings.  

Borestone Mountain Summit View Maine Hiking Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit

The views from the top are nothing short of spectacular, though a gusty wind can make the top a little scary.

Peregrine Ridge Trail View of Borestone Mountain Maine Hiking Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit

Back down at the visitor center, we were told about another trail, the Peregrine Ridge Trail, which only adds on another half-hour, is fairly easy, and also offers amazing views, this time over the three ponds creatively named Sunrise Pond, Midday Pond, and Sunset Pond.  Taking the extra time for this short hike is absolutely worthwhile.

Peregrine Ridge Trail Maine Hiking Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit

Instead of hiking back to our car along the Base Trail, we followed the slightly longer but easier access road that leads from the parking area to the visitor center.  This is still a pretty steep road.

Big Moose Mountain

Big Moose Mountain Summit Maine Hiking Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit

While not mentioned as many times as Mount Kineo and Borestone Mountain, Big Moose Mountain was suggested a few times to us for its stunning views.  We peaked this mountain on the same day as Borestone Mountain, which turned out to be quite a test.

Big Moose Mountain Trail Maine Hiking Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit

The four-mile roundtrip hike started easily enough with pretty mild elevation gain through a shady, wooded area.  The only real challenge at the beginning was the somewhat muddy trail.

Big Moose Mountain Old Fire Warden's Cabin Maine Hiking Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit

However, about halfway, after passing the derelict old fire warden’s cabin, the trail’s incline increased rapidly and we were all of a sudden hiking up a steep rock staircase for almost a mile.  Rome kept telling me there was no shame in stopping and turning around.  Does he really know me at all?  There’s no giving up in a challenge!

Big Moose Mountain Summit View Maine Hiking Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit

At long last, we reached the mountain peak, which used to be the site of a fire tower that is now found at the Moosehead Lake Region Visitors’ Center.  The tales of the view were not exaggerated.  Big Moose Mountain provides uninterrupted panoramic views of Moosehead Lake.

Mushroom on Big Moose Mountain Trail Maine Hiking Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit

Fun fact, Big Moose Mountain used to be called Big Squaw Mountain, and nearby Little Moose Mountain used to be Little Squaw Mountain.  The name changes occurred in 2000 to be more politically correct.

Number Four Mountain, Whitecap Mountain, and Eagle Rock

Number Four Mountain First Roach Pond Maine Hiking Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit

The three remaining peaks of the Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit are Number Four Mountain, Whitecap Mountain, and Eagle Rock.  Reaching these peaks will have to wait for another time. 

Number Four Mountain is the shortest of the six hikes at 3.3 miles roundtrip, though it has the third most elevation gain.  We got a peek at the peak when we drove to the tiny town of Kokadjo, as it overlooks First Roach Pond.  Farther east from Number Four Mountain is Whitecap Mountain, the longest of the six hikes at 6.5 miles roundtrip.  Eagle Rock is the second longest hike, but with the least elevation gain, and is just up the road from Big Moose Mountain.

The Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit Challenge

Borestone Mountain Base Trail Ferns Maine Hiking Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit

The Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit Challenge is to finish all six hikes at any time to become a registered member of the Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit.  That means I can still finish the challenge if we get to return to Maine.  Once completed, an application and entry fee can be submitted, listing the date of each climb and summit times, to the Moosehead Lake Chamber of Commerce.  Successful hikers receive a confirmation letter, an official MPP patch, a sticker, and inclusion on the official online registry of MPP hikers.

Date Climbed
Summit Time
Mt. Kineo
October 9, 2017
11:00 a.m.
Borestone Mountain
October 10, 2017
10:00 a.m.
Big Moose Mountain
October 10, 2017
4:05 p.m.
Number Four Mountain
Whitecap Mountain
Eagle Rock

Borestone Mountain Base Trail Trees Maine Hiking Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit

However, there are some even more challenging options for the Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit.  The Ultra challenge requires that all six summits are reached within a continuous 48 hours.  The Winter challenge requires all six summits are reached between January 1 and April 15 of the same year.  And the Winter Ultra challenge requires all six summits be reached within a continuous 48 hours between January 1 and April 15.

Even if you aren’t going for the Ultra challenge, it is possible to reach all summits during a trip that’s a week or shorter.  If doubling up hikes into one day, it is suggested to pair Borestone Mountain and Number Four Mountain on one day and Mount Kineo and Big Moose Mountain on another day.

More about the challenge, including driving directions and trail maps can be found in the Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit (MPP) Trail Guide.

Where to Stay When Hiking Maine’s Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit

Moosehead Lake from Big Moose Mountain Maine Hiking Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit

All of the mountain peaks that make up Maine’s Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit surround Moosehead Lake, Maine’s largest lake at 40 miles long and 20 miles wide.  The largest town in this region is Greenville, Maine, located on the southern tip of the lake.

We stayed at Moose Mountain Inn, located just outside the center of town, very near the lake, and within easy driving distance of all six mountain peaks.
Travel the World: Maine's hiking options include a unique hiking challenge, the Moosehead Pinnacle Pursuit, with six mountain peaks to conquer in the Moosehead Lake region.
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